
A.1 Safety
Prior to playing a stroke or making a practice swing, the player must ensure that no one is standing close by or in s position to be hit by the club, the ball or any stones, pebbles, twigs or the like which may be moved by the stroke or swing.
A.2 Consideration For Other Players
- The player who is given the honour should be allowed to play before his opponent of fellow-competitor tees his ball. No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
- In the interest of all, players must play without undue delay. No player should play until the players in front are out of range.
- Players searching for a ball must to the players behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not be easily found. They should not search for more than five minutes before doing so. They should not continue play until the players following them have passed by and are out of range.
- When the play of a hole has been completed, players must immediately leave the putting green.
- In the absence of *Special Rules, two-ball matches should have precedence over and be entitled to pass any tree ball or four-ball match, which should invite them through.
- A single player has no standing and must give way to a match of any kind consisting of three or more players.
- Any match playing a whole round is entitled to pass a match playing a shorter round.
- If a match fails to keep it place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the players in front, it must invite the match following to pass.
*SPECIAL RULES (Refer to COURSE CONTROL BOARD) Two-Ball matches on weekends and Public Holidays has no standing and must give a way to a match of three-ball or four-ball.
- Holes In Bunker
Before leaving a bunker, a player/caddy must carefully fill up and smooth overall holes and
footprints made by Him.
- Replace Divot; Repair Ball-Marks and Damage by Spike.
Through the green, a player/caddy must ensure that any turf cut of displaced by him is replaced at once and pressed down and that any damage to the putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired. Damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes spikes should be repaired on completion of the hole.
- Damage to Green – Flagsticks, Bags, Etc.
Player/Caddies must ensure that, when putting down bags or flagstick, no damage is done to
putting green and that neither they nor their caddies damage the hole by standing close to it, in handling the flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before the player leaves the putting green by leaning on their putters.
- Golf Buggies
- Golf Buggies are STRICTLY for GOLFERS only.
- Local notice regulating the movements of Golf Buggies must be strictly observed.
- Damage Trough Practice Swings
- In taking practice swings, players must avoid causing damage to the course, particularly the tees, by removing divots.
- Bags, Trolleys and Golf Buggies must not be on the Tee-Boxes.
The game of golf to be played at Staffield Country Resort shall be governed by the following definitions:
- “Club” shall mean Staffield Country Resort.
- “Golf Rules” shall mean SCR Golf Rules.
- "Golf Course” shall mean the North Course combination of Northern Nine (In) and Western Nine (Out), Southern Course combination o Southern Nine (In) and Northern Nine (Out), West Course combination of Western Nine (In) and Southern Nine (Out).
- ‘RAGC’ shall mean the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrew’s Scotland.
- ‘USGA’ shall mean the United States Golf Association.
- “Club Handicap” shall mean a handicap calculated in accordance with the USGA System and certified by the Sports Manager or such other persons so authorized by the Management.
- “ Permission” shall mean as permitted by the Sports Manager or such other person so authorized by the Management unless specifically stated.
- “ Public Holiday” shall mean the holidays gazetted for Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Willayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur.
- “ Young Children” shall mean children under the age of 12 years.
- “ Teenage Children” shall mean children above the age of 12 years but below 18 years.
The Rules of Golf as approved by the RAGC and the Handicapping System of the USGA together with these Golf Rules, shall apply to all form of play of golf to all Club competition unless otherwise expressly laid down by the Management in a particular match or competition.
- Application
Any Member (including Family Members) without a handicap and intending to play golf, must apply to the Management/Sports Manager in writing expressing his/her desire to play golf.
- Approval to Play on the Course
Such Member must apply to the Sports Manager to be assessed by him or by an authorized personnel before the Member may be allowed to play golf on the course.
- Company Of Handicapped Player
Such an approved non-handicapped Member must at all times be accompanied by a handicapped golfer.
- Hours of Play
Non – handicapped golfers shall not be allowed on the course:
(a) From 12.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. on Saturdays, and
(b) From 7.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. on Sunday and Public Holidays for Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
- Standing
Non – handicapped golfers have no standing and must give way to any flight(all handicapped golfers) following at all times.
- Repair or Divot Marks
Golfers with or without the services of caddies must be responsible for the repair of divot marks.
- Members – An official golf tag must be displayed by all Members whilst on the Golf Course. The tag should be displayed on a prominent part of the golf bag and shall be available for inspection upon request by the Management, Starters, Course Marshals or such other authorized personnel.
- Visitors – Visitors/ Guest whilst on the Golf Course must each display clearly an appropriate visitor’s tag as in By – Law 5.1.
- Valid or Recognised Club Handicap – Players without a valid Club Handicap or whose handicap is above 24 (men) and 36 (women) shall not be entitled to play on weekend as per Rule 3.iv
- Subject to the provision of By-Laws 4.i and 4.ii all guest / visitors must produce a valid Club Handicap before play at Registration Centre and at any of the Golf Course when asked to do so by an authorized of Staffield Country Resort
- Member - Any Member who does not have a Club Handicap shall be entitled to apply for a handicap test upon returning at least five 18 – holes score cards.
- Handicap Test - Application for handicap test must be made at the Registration Centre. Handicap test will be carried out by an authorised tester as and when conveniently scheduled by the Sports Manager.
- Members with more than one Club – Members who are also members of other Clubs shall be entitled to apply for a Club Handicap provided that they summit properly certified latest handicap and course rating from such other Club. Such certified scores shall become part of the member’s scoring record at Staffield Country Resort.
- Assignment of Handicaps – Official Club Handicap shall be assigned to successful Members on completion of their handicap test or on submission of their certified handicap and course rating from other Clubs. Such assigned Club Handicap shall remain in force unless and until they are revised based on subsequent scores returned.
- No play shall commence
- from any teeing ground other than the 1st Teeon the GolF Course.
- Prior to 7.30 a.m. expect as may be permitted by the Management.
- Prior to the player’s full particulars and handicap being first registered the Registration Centre or the starters, where applicable.
- Official Tee-Off Time – Play on Weekends and Public Holidays shall be regulated by the official tee-off times mentioned below (except for approved matches or competitions)
- Morning session: 7.30 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.
- Afternoon session: 12.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
- Evening session: 4.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
(This is subject to change by the Management from time to time)
- The above may delayed due to bad weather and consequently all official tee-off times may be deferred accordingly.
- The Management reserves the right to close any of the Golf Courses at any time for any purposes.
- Young children are not permitted on any of the Golf Courses but teenage children should be accompanied by an adult member.
- Bookings shall be open from 8.00 a.m. on every Friday for all tee-off times of the following Weekends and Public Holidays.
- All bookings are to be made at the Registration Centre either in person, telephone or by fax.
- Each Members shall be entitled to make only one booking for each day of play. No booking on behalf of other Members is allowed.
- When booking, Members to provide their names, and membership numbers and indicate the names of the other Members/guest in the flight. Should the names of the other players are not available at the time of booking, Members must provide the names not later than 12.00 noon on the Wednesday following the booking, failing which the Management reserves the right to cancel the booking or include other Members in the flight without further reference to the Members who made the booking.
- The Members who made the booking shall be solely responsible for the non-appearance of any players on the same flight.
- Members who fail to appear at the booked tee-off time are liable to be fined, unless cancellation is made twenty-four (24) hours before the tee-off time. After non-appearance for three (3) bookings, Members will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.
- The Management reserves the right to allow other players to tee-off for booking not taken up.
- The above By – Laws apply to spouse of Members.
- Young children and teenage children are not allowed to make bookings for golf.
- Corporate Booking - The Management may at any time and from time to time by notice reserve the whole or any part of the Golf Course for such purposes.
- A two-ball match has priority of and shall be permitted to pass any three or four-ball match except at all times on Weekends and Public Holidays.
- Three and four – ball matches will not be permitted onto any of the Golf Courses reserves for two – ball matches.
- A single player has no standing on any of the Golf Courses.
- Form of play at other than Official Tee-Off Time at any course shall be “Open” and the Rules of Golf as approved by RAGC and USGA – Section 1 on Etiquette under “ priority on the course” shall apply.
- Each player can only play one ball at any one time on the Golf Course proper.
- Undue Delay/Slow Play
- Players searching for a ball should signal the players behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not be easily found after a search of not more than 5 minutes. They should also not continue play until the players following them have passed and are out of range.
- If the group ahead is slowing down then the group behind with one clear hole then the group behind shall be allowed to pass and play through in the same manner as (a) above.
- Players are expected to assist co – operate with the Official and Course Marshals in their attempts to expedite the play of any group of players.
- Bad Weather – Play on the Golf Courses shall be regulated by the use of siren signals to signify following:
- A continuous 20 second blast – Discontinue play
- A continuous 5 second blast – Resume play
- One continuous blast of about 1 minute – Play abandoned.
- Registration of Play – All golfers must register with the starters before commencement of play and give the starter their “Starter Chit” from the golfing tag.
- Issue and Return of Score Cards – Score Cards will be issued to a golfer on each flight. All score cards issued must be properly completed and signed by every golfer concerned and returned to the handicap boxes without delay upon completion of the round. All golfers are therefore reminded not to lose or throw away any such score cards regardless or the number of holes played for any reasons, including cancellation of play due to bad weather.
- In all SCR organized or approved competitions, the Golf Courses will be closed until declared open for play by the Management.
- No private competitions are allowed without prior approved reservations through the Management.
- SCR golf competitions – Only Members with an official Club Handicap shall be entitled to participate in any Club Competition or match. Teenage children are allowed to participate in all monthly medals. For Club Trophy events, teenage children may participate at the discretion of the Management. All competitions and matches shall be governed by the Rules Of Golf mentioned in By – Laws 2 above.
- Members belong to more than one Club – Members belonging to two or more Clubs and having different Handicaps at different Club shall use lowest Handicap when competing in the Club competition or match.
- Every flight or golfers shall hire Golf Buggy / Buggies (when available), failing which the flight shall not be allowed to tee-off.
- Golf Buggies are to be used according to the local notices regulating the movement of Golf Buggies on the Golf Course. This should be strictly observed by all golfers.
- Subject to availability, Golf Buggies may be rented at the prescribed rate on such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the Management.
- No booking of Golf Buggies is allowed.
- Golf Buggies may be collected and returned to the buggy station immediately after use. A penalty will be charged for Golf Buggies returned after the prescribed time.
- A maximum of two (2) persons are allowed at any one time on the Golf Buggy.
- Young children and teenage children are not allowed to drive the Golf Buggy.
- The hirer is responsible for all damages to the Golf Buggy and will bear the cost of making good the Golf Buggy.
- Golf Buggies are to be driven on the buggy track at all times when the fairways are in soggy condition.
- The management reserves the right to reserve any nos of buggy for tournament or function.
- Practice Range is open everyday from 7.00 a.m. till 7.00 p.m.
- Members must practice from the tee markers unless otherwise directed.
- Members bringing guest to the Practice Range are responsible for the registration of their guest, practice range fees, purchase of golf balls and conduct of their guest.
- The Practice Range balls may be signed for up to a maximum of 100 balls at a time.
- The Practice Range balls are not allowed to be taken outside the Practice Range area.
- No spike shoes are allowed when practicing on the practice mat.
The minimum dress code for golfers must be:
- tee – shirts with collar and sleeves
- shorts or long (no jogging shorts or jean) and
- golf shoes (no sneakers) with socks
- Player must not cause any damage to any part of the Golf courses, putting greens or pitching greens by whatever means, such as moving in such a manner as to drag his feet, or by throwing any clubs or jumping on the greens. Players must also ensure that caddies do not damage any part of the Golf Courses.
- Golf Buggies and trolleys are strictly prohibited on the teeing ground and on the greens.
- All players shall ensure that they replace divots at all times.
- Golf Balls should be removed from the hole on the green by hand and not the putter.
- Members signing in guest are responsible for the conduct of their guest. Members shall be held liable for damage to greens, tee markers, yardage markers, etc, caused by their guest.
- All golfers are PROHIBITED from keeping any personal effects and valuable in their golf bags. The management is not responsible for any loss or damage.
- Score Card - Members must submit all 18 – Hole score cards duly checked and signed by the Player and Markers. Failure to do so shall cause the Member to subject to such action by the Club Captain or Sports Manager as it thinks fit and may result in withdrawal or suspension of such Member’s club Handicap.
- The Club does not accept any liability for any injury or damage whatsoever caused that may be suffered by a golfer, whether a Member or not, while on the Golf Courses or at the Practice Range.
- THE HANDICAPPING SYSTEM adopted followed the USGA System.
- Scores are adjusted according to the USGA without regards to the Stroke Index of the Course.
- A minimum of five 18 – hole cards is required to obtained a valid handicap.
63 & under
4 to 9
10 to12
13 to 18
19 to 24
25 to 36
- Those golfers whose handicaps have been Arbitrary Cut will maintain those handicap for 2 calender after the Arbitrary Cut.
- Arbitrary Cut of handicap will only be made on official individual competitions whether held at SCR or other golf clubs.
- Arbitrary Cut of handicap will be not be made for Interclub, non – individuals matches, or team competitions, but scores returned during those competitions will be noted by the Management and suitable action will be taken if so required.
- Under exceptional circumstances when a golfer’s normal play is much better than indicated by the score card returned by him or the refusal to return 10 – holes score cards, the Management reserves the right to reduce his/ her handicap and determine the amount of adjustment.
- In an extreme case of a player’s non – cooperation, the Management has the right to withdrawn his/her handicap.
Upward revision of handicaps, where applicable:
- For 0 to 9 handicapper – a maximum of 1 stroke per month. (Maximum of 3 strokes in a year).
- For 10 to 36 handicapper – a maximum of 2 strokes per month. (Maximum of 5 strokes in a year)
- For those who had not played golf before, a handicap will not be given until the potential golfer has the permission of the authorised personnel or the golf pro to play golf.
- 2 For a non – handicapped golfer to obtain a handicap from SCR, he/she must submit a minimum of five scores over 18 holes, signed by a handicapped player as well as the non – handicapped golfer, whose scores should reflect a potential 24/36 handicapper.
- After returning a minimum of five 18 – hole score card, he / she must then he tested by an authorized personnel or the golf pro.
- Handicap tests will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 5.00 p.m. Appointment shall be made at the Registration Centre / Golf Shop or by phone /fax.
- For the handicap test, the following points will be assessed:
- Golf Etiquette - knowledge and its applications
- Ability to play
- Golf Rules - knowledge and its applications
- Gentlemanly character
- Three Months Probation
Any golfer having passed the handicap test shall be placed on a 3 months probation. His / Her name will be displayed on the notice board. Barring any complains he / she shall be automatically confirmed at the end of the said period of probation. The probationer cannot introduce non - member, guest golfer onto Golf Courses.
5. NEW EQUITABLE STROKE CONTROL (Assessment of Handicap)
- A score any hole is reduced to a specific number of strokes over par for handicap purposes only as follows:
Maximum Number
Posted On Any Hole |
9 or less
10 through 19
20 through 29
30 through 36
- The adjusted Gross Score shall be returned for handicap purpose every time a player completes an 18 hole round no matter where he plays it.
- Failure to submit such a card may result in the golfer being liable to have his/ her handicap withdrawn
- Any regular golfer who fails to submit any card in any three consecutive months will have his/ her handicap reduced by 1 stroke (subject to maximum of three)
- Only Members of their Spouse are permitted to introduce guest.
- Each Member / Spouse is permitted to introduce a maximum of 3 (three) Guest on weekdays and maximum of 2 (two) Guest on weekdays or Public Holidays.
- Children cannot introduce guest to play at any time.
All Guest must produce proof of handicap.
Each Guest shall be charged green fees at the following rates for a 18 hole game. (subject to change)
- Weekdays RM 80.00
- Weekends & Public Holidays RM 180.00
This amount shall be charged to the Member’s account with an additional 5% Government Tax.
All Members and Guest shall be issued with a golf bag tag valid for the day. They should be displayed prominently on the golf tag.
2.1 Visitors who wish to play golf may do so by prior arrangement and approval by the Management.
2.2 Green Fees for Visitors are payable by cash coupons from the Reception Centre.
2.3 Golf bag tags shall be issued to cash Visitor valid for the day and should be displayed prominently on the golf tag.
2.4 Visitors should show proof of a valid handicap before registration.
Only recognized registered resident pros attached officially to any clubs/ or foreign pros may be allowed to play provided:
- They show proof of identify and
- They have sought the permission of the Management
Only Registered Golf Professional may play golf at Staffield Country Resort.
- There weeks notice shall be given for normal competitions.
- At least four weeks notice will be given for the following major competitions:
- SCR Club Championship
- SCR Ladies Championship
- The closing date for the Club Competitions will be at 5.00 p.m. on the Wednesday / Thursday before the Saturday / Sunday competitions respectively.
- Players who wish to tee-off early or late in a competition must indicate their preference at the time of entry or recognition.
- The Draw shall be put up on the notice board by Friday / Saturday before the Saturday / Sunday competition respectively.
- Draw made shall be final and tee-off times must be adhered to.
- If a player does not turn up according to the final draw, they will be levied all competitions charges.
- If a player does not turn up in time of his/ her flight had tee-off according to the final draw, he / her will be penalized with 2 (two) strokes penalty for the day competition.
- Withdrawal from competitions must be made to the Registration Centre / Office at least 24 hours before the scheduled tee-off time, failing which all competition charges will be levied upon the competitor.
- Late entries may be entertained with the payment of additional fees at the discretion of the Management.
- Each competitor shall be levied a fee determined by the management from time to time.
- Each player is entitled to 1 (one) prize, except the ballsweep prizes.
- All score cards is Club Competitions must be returned to the Scoring Centre immediately after the competitions, failing which the competitors will be disqualified.
- The lowest handicapper in any flight is responsible for ensuring that all score cards in his / her flight are submitted the Scoring Centre immediately after the game.
In the event of a tie in any competition, the following countback system shall apply to decide the winner.
- The last 18 holes scores;
- The second last 18 holes scores (where applicable);
- The third last 18 scores (where applicable);
- The Last 9 holes scores of the last 18 holes;
- The first 9 hole score of the last 18 holes.
- The last 3 hole scores of the last 18 holes; or
- Hole by hole backwards starting from the last hole of the 18
The Management reserves the right to alter, amend, repeal or add to any of the above rules where and when necessary.